Popular Mixes by Industry
AccuSpan (formerly AG Gases and Equipment Limited) have built a worldwide business around supplying speciality gases: We have several key objectives; To provide a consistently accurate blend of gases; Offer our customers a reliable, world class service; Be the preferred choice for industry, both analytical and manufacturing.
We keep our manufacturing and blending processes under very tight control to ensure that the gasses we provide conform to rigorous ISO 6142 standards and provide a consistent product that customers can rely on.
Our gas mixtures are supplied with a certificate of composition giving all mix details including concentration of components, accuracy, pressure, gas volume, storage information, shelf life and international traceability.
All our blended gases are mixed under strict environmental conditions to ensure that no contaminants are present in the final product and that gases are free from moisture. The gases we use are first analysed to certify that they are pure before the mixing process is carried out. Constant calibration of our equipment ensure that tolerances are held to a fraction of a percent and the final mixture is stable and ready to use by our valued customers.